
1. 各个栏目精雕细刻,题材贴近生活,具有可读性及实用性,。
2. 案例经典丰富,可参考性极强。
3. 市场上的园艺书籍主要以介绍水生植物专业养护为主,专业性较强,不够深入浅出。
4. 本书以轻松的文字配以精美的图片,尤其适合家庭读者阅读。


This issue of Horticulture Home is all about water and hydroponic plants, which is rare on the market. From the beginning we are benefited a lot from experts’ suggestion and help, so the quality and veracity of this issue could be guaranteed. The theme of this issue is set as “Green Word of Water”. Simply speaking, this issue gives the introduction of water and hydroponic plants for families, including the skills and experience of plants’ caring and growing. Further, this issue turns the professional and horticultural knowledge into easy-understanding articles, also some other interesting plants and latest information is added, which enhance the issue’s attraction.